Holiday Stress and the Work Connection

9:52 AM Jenniferlyn 0 Comments

'Tis the season to go crazy, fa la la la la, la la la la. 

Did you know...

A recent study by the American Psychological Association shows that the top 5 causes of stress this holiday season are:

  • Work topics creeping into holiday celebrations and time off being diluted by work 
  • Lack of time off from work to enjoy the actual Holiday season with friends and family
  • Lack of money to enjoy the Holidays, to visit or to purchase gifts
  • Abundance of pressure to participate in holiday gathers, celebrations, parties, and events. 
  • Failure to meet expectations at work this year-end

Of the top 5, 3 are directly related to work!  While work may not be something that you can control, you can arm yourself with tools to help make the best of the often stressful time of the year. 

Arming Yourself For Success and Less Stress

To-do or not to do?  That is the question. 

First off we need a dose of reality.  Being realistic about how we actually spend our time can do wonders on keeping motivated to knock out those to-do lists and keep up productivity.   The key here is to keep a manageable and realistic to-do list.  Prioritize the tasks based on urgency.  What is due first?  What will take the longest to complete?  What will I need help from others in order to complete?  These are the items to start working on first.  

Failing to plan is planning to fail. 

It is great to make a list and to have an idea of how to manage the items on it, however without a plan things are unlikely to magically get completed.  You have to make a plan, but not just any plan.  A realistic plan that you can stick to.  Do not follow a plan into a brick wall, but use the plan to keep you on track for success.  

This can be incorporated as planning out your workouts on the days through the holidays just as you would any other appointment, so that you are more likely to get them in and done.  Also schedule in rest breaks from work and other to-do's to allow yourself a chance to stay fresh and not get overwhelmed by the details. 

Just say NO.

It is perfectly OK to say NO when you need to.  If you are working on a task, any interruption may take at minimum 25 minutes away from the task at hand. Add up all of those little interruptions throughout the day and you can see a huge time suck.  It is OK to say NO to keep yourself on track or if you just cannot add one more thing to the list.  

Delegate, delegate, delegate!

If there are any items on your to-do list that other people can handle, delegate.  This can be the hardest step for many people - letting go of control - but once you put your faith in other people, they will love the chance to make you proud, and to deliver!

Organization is an asset.

If you find yourself with some spare time - this is the time to start organizing your files, making your workout plan, working on improving efficiency in your routines.  The more efficient you become the easier it is to stay on track moving forward.  Time spent looking for recipes, files, emails, texts, workout clothes, food, and other misc. items takes away from your goals each day. 

Schedule that rest break!

As mentioned above in the plan, be sure while you are figuring out all of the to-dos and how they will get done, that you make some do-nothing, relax, refresh and recharge time for yourself and your family this season.   When things get overwhelming go for a walk.  Allow yourself 10 minutes to go a quick yoga routine, or even just go to the bathroom or a quiet spot away from others and breath for a while. 

Don't Forget the Real Reason We Work. 

My favorite time management quote is from Dr. Gloria Mark and it goes "We do not have work days.  We have work minutes that last all day."  

Do not get caught up in living to work. Go out there, make the most of all of those minutes, and let your light shine this Holiday season!    When in doubt, walk it out, take a breather, get re-centered and get back at it.  And above all remember that no task is more important that friends and family and all that we are blessed with in our lives.  

Shine on!  



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